How I make my money on facebook is with SFI.
For more than ten years now, SFI has been showing men and women all over the world how to build highly profitable internet businesses from the comfort of their homes. In fact, our system is so successful that OVER 8000 people join SFI every week!
But here's the really exciting part: In some of the most populous countries in the world (like China, India and Nigeria), the Internet revolution is just beginning. The profit potential is MASSIVE and we need to expand our affiliate network to fully capitalize.
That's where YOU come in. Join SFI now and we'll directly position you to profit from the explosive growth coming to China, India, Nigeria and other "on-the-move" countries.
Get Started Absolutely FREE...TODAY!
The opportunity is HUGE. But getting started couldn't be easier. Just fill out our quick registration form and we'll hook you up with everything you need to get started...100% FREE...and with no obligation.
Don't wait. Become an SFI affiliate TODAY and start securing your share of our global growth.
SFI is a (Strong Future International) marketing group that has nine different lucrative income streams. They are as follows:
1. Is the Customer Commissions on thousands of products at TripleClicks.com.
For every customer sale* you generate, you'll earn a Customer Commission of up to 72%. Referring members is easy because it's FREE for members to join TripleClicks. It's also easy because TripleClicks is fully international and offers a growing array of products and services wanted by millions of people worldwide.
2. With Affiliate Overrides, every time one of your personally sponsored affiliates purchases something from TripleClicks, you can earn up to 40%.
3. With Executive Overrides, every time one of your personally sponsored affiliates generates a customer sale* at TripleClicks.com, you can earn up to 14%.
4. Co-Sponsorship Overrides are earned on the activities of the affiliates you've been assigned as the Co-Sponsor.
5. "TCredits" are units that can be used to purchase various services at TripleClicks.com. TCredits can also be used to help you refer TripleClicks members. You will receive one or more FREE TCredit each month, based on your qualifications.
6. Network Overrides allow you to tap into the bank account-bursting power of Leveraged Income and exponential growth.
Parts 1-3 of the SFI Comp Plan empower you to create income based on personal sales and personally sponsored affiliates (PSAs). Network Overrides take your income to a whole new level by allowing you to earn handsome commissions on the purchases and sales generated by affiliates sponsored by your PSAs and other affiliates in your organization. This is a view of the diagram below.

7. For your first 30 days in SFI, they send you a special daily e-mail that contains a link to their exclusive, copyrighted LaunchPad™ getting-started training Website.
Each of the 30 LaunchPad™ editions includes a simple, one-question quiz. Once you've completed all 30 quizzes, the following four LaunchPad™ Rewards are yours:
50 FREE TripleClicks.com Credits
$19.50 value (that can be turned into hundreds of dollars!)
2 FREE Years Prestige Domain Name
$109 value! Maximize your marketing with a prestigious TripleClicks.com domain that includes your name or other word(s) of your choice.
FREE TripleClicks™ Grand Opening Kit
$155 value, you pay only for postage! They'll send a jumbo-sized, full-color Grand Opening postcard and a valuable free gift to up to 25 of your friends and family to launch your new business with a bang!
FREE entry into Cash Drawing
You can win up to $1,500!
8. Each month, SFI awards you cash and other valuable rewards for being one of their top 300 VersaPoints earners of the month. Just be in the top 300 at the end of the month and you're in!
9. By simply make referrals to the TripleClicks E-Commerce Associate Program you can earn lucrative royalties for life!
By referring companies that sell products to your ECA Gateway. For each that has been approved, you'll earn up to 6% of their sales at TripleClicks.
So, check out SFI. It's completely free to join. There are no purchase requirements. You can earn from up to nine different ways and with unlimited earnings potential! Go as wide and/or as deep with your organization as you wish!

For those who put forth a little effort, SFI offers the opportunity to reap the rewards.
Compare SFI to other business opportunities.
* A customer sale is defined as a sale to a non-SFI affiliate and person who does not reside at seller's same address.